Heart and Circulatory benefits of Testosterone

Generally you’re as young as your heart and brain, which largely depends on how good the circulation is to these two vital organs.When HRT for women was first cautiously introduced over 30 years ago, doctors feared it might contribute to diseases of the blood vessels. Much to their surprise, actual experience has shown the reverse to be true. Women on HRT suffered half the number of heart attacks compared to women who were not. So, with some reluctance, doctors have begun to change their views and now generally say the treatment is positively indicated in women prone to heart disease.The situation is the same with testosterone. Over the last 50 years, most doctors, including cardiologists, have taken the view that testosterone is bad for the heart, although several studies have shown lower levels of testosterone, and sometimes higher levels of oestrogen, in patients who later developed heart disease, than in normal control subjects the same age. Also it has been found that testosterone can prevent the type of spasm of the coronary arteries which causes angina.